12/5 Sat.
Freedom Jazz Music
[DJ]vinylDJ 竹花 英二(Jazz Brothers)・小浜 雅胤・大西 陽介
[at]渋谷 Bar Music
※Music Charge ¥500+1Drink Order
竹花英二 Eiji Takehana
CLUBの走り、西麻布P.Picasso にて業界デビュー。 後、328、CAVE などでDJ活動を経て、南青山BLUE を U.F.O.と共にプロデュース。 そして、United Future Organization (U.F.O.)監修のコンピレイション『Multidirection』にて Jazz Brothersで楽曲デビュー。 ピーター・ナイス・トリオ(HOSPITAL)、Florinda Bolkan(IRMA)、U.F.O.、ピチカート・ファイヴ、 東京スカパラダイスオーケストラ、忌野清志郎、井出麻里子などの 楽曲リミックスを手掛ける。 98年より3年間は Yohji Yamamoto の Paris Collection にて選曲/DJをLIVEで行う。 選曲コンピレイションには『Ultimate Garage And Breaks - Universal Step』(ユニバーサル)、『Flying Dutchman Funk Jazz Classics』(BMGビクター)などがある。 2006年にイギリスの名門Soul Jazz RecordsよりJBP名義で12インチ・シングルをワールドワイド・リリース。 2009年12月、TEQUILA PRODUCTIONよりアナログ『TAKEHANA & GOLDEN LOTUS REMIX AND REWORK』を、2010年には『DeepTrackJazz』をEiji Takehana名義でリリース。 2011年3月『TequilaProduction』コンピレーションCD『Rockin' Jazz』をプロデュース。2013年4月 PRIMO & THE GROUPE『 Movement』アナログ・カット"12"+CD"に"Movement 5/8 ver.-Eiji Takehana Rework"。
Eiji Takehana is DJ and producer, remixer since more than 20 years. His strength is to feel perfectly the needs and wishes of the crowd to bring them with jazz pieces in absolutely dancing mood. In 1994, He made his debut as Jazz Brothers on compilation "Multidirection" (Brownswood/Talkin' Loud) supervised by United Future Organization. In the mid 90's, Other labels have utilized Eiji's skills as a remixer. An impressive list of credits includes Peter Nice Trio(HOSPITAL), Florinda Bolkan(IRMA), United Future Organization, Pizzicato Five, Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra, Kiyoshiro Imawano, Mariko Ide, among many, many others. Three years from 1998 has seen Eiji performing at Yohji Yamamoto Collection in paris. In 2006, Jazz Brothers signed to Soul Jazz Records UK and released 12" vinyl "Aphrotalk / Amongstone" worldwide. In 2009, Eiji released "Takehana & Golden Lotus Remix and Rework" (Tequila Production). Next year, released Highly Acclaimed 12" single "Deep Track Jazz"(Tequila Production). The compilation Eiji supervised includes "Ultimate Garage And Breaks-Universal Step", "Flying Dutchman Funk Jazz Classics" etc. In 2013, Eiji provides "Movement 5/8 ver.-Eiji Takehana Rework" for PRIMO & THE GROUPE.
Eiji Takehana is DJ and producer, remixer since more than 20 years. His strength is to feel perfectly the needs and wishes of the crowd to bring them with jazz pieces in absolutely dancing mood. In 1994, He made his debut as Jazz Brothers on compilation "Multidirection" (Brownswood/Talkin' Loud) supervised by United Future Organization. In the mid 90's, Other labels have utilized Eiji's skills as a remixer. An impressive list of credits includes Peter Nice Trio(HOSPITAL), Florinda Bolkan(IRMA), United Future Organization, Pizzicato Five, Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra, Kiyoshiro Imawano, Mariko Ide, among many, many others. Three years from 1998 has seen Eiji performing at Yohji Yamamoto Collection in paris. In 2006, Jazz Brothers signed to Soul Jazz Records UK and released 12" vinyl "Aphrotalk / Amongstone" worldwide. In 2009, Eiji released "Takehana & Golden Lotus Remix and Rework" (Tequila Production). Next year, released Highly Acclaimed 12" single "Deep Track Jazz"(Tequila Production). The compilation Eiji supervised includes "Ultimate Garage And Breaks-Universal Step", "Flying Dutchman Funk Jazz Classics" etc. In 2013, Eiji provides "Movement 5/8 ver.-Eiji Takehana Rework" for PRIMO & THE GROUPE.

*Bar Music Schedule:End of Autumn & Christmas 2015→http://barmusic-coffee.blogspot.jp/2015/11/bar-music-scheduleend-of-autumn.html
*最新コンピレイション『Bar Music 2015 Under Sail Selection』が世界初アナログ化楽曲7インチEPと共にリリース!→http://barmusic-coffee.blogspot.jp/2015/11/bar-music7ep.html
Open / 19:00~Midnight (日曜日のみ16:00~24:00)
Close / 不定休
*『Bar Music 2014 Lost Relief Selection』→http://barmusic-coffee.blogspot.jp/2015/06/bar-music7ep.html
*『Bar Music × CORE PORT -Precious Time for 23:00 Later-』→http://coreport.jp/catalog/rpoz-10010.html
*『Bar Music 2013』アナログ12"EP→http://barmusic-coffee.blogspot.jp/2015/03/bar-music-201312ep20150318.html
*『Bar Music 2013 Love Spartacus Selection』→http://musicaanossa-since1999.blogspot.jp/2013/10/1022-tue-cdbar-music-2013.html
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